Blogger data:view List
Data:View normally used with a conditional expression as in <b:if> to programmatically call something. Here is the full list ...
Data:View normally used with a conditional expression as in <b:if> to programmatically call something. Here is the full list ...
If you want to specify a part of your code to work on specific types of pages or specific URLs, then you should use conditional tags. You can
If you are not interested to use AdMob Ad in your WebView Android App, then alternative solution is AdSense. Prerequisites are
If you are
then this article is for you.
We always want to rank our website on Search Engines faster, but how to do that easily? We don't need to do scams like so-called unrelated Backlinks in lot of websites, Spam comments, Keyword stuffing, Hidden text, Duplicate content, Guestpost spam, Irrelevant keywords, Link Exchange, Poor quality content, Hidden content etc. Never forget about Google Penalty. Engineers of Google or Bing are not stupid.
Main thing is content, and if you can write something useful, and people want it, then obviously people will search for it. If the content is bogus, nothing will gain you supremacy. Here are some common White Hat SEO Techniques for Articles or Pages which will help you to attract audience. All mentioned ways are 100 legitimate.
Sometimes you may need to show the URL address in website. Is it possible? Yes! With a simple one line JavaScript code, you can do it. Your visitor may print the webpage, and you may want the URL to be printed in specific part of the webpage - and that's why this code is useful.
From X to Facebook to Instagram, here's a guide to every important social media image size, always kept up-to-date.
If you have plan to build a WordPress website for your own, or you have a plan to build your career to be WordPress developer, you must have to practice. Buying hosting may be tough for students or beginners. But you can easily use your own computer to test maximum features of WordPress.
Windows 10 is a Operating System developed by Microsoft Corporation. This is world's one of the most popular OS. This is a Commercial Software, which means you need License to use the product. As you have license and the installable .iso file, now make it ready-to-use on your PC. To create a Windows 10 bootable USB flash drive, you need a blank USB flash drive with at least 8GB of space or blank DVD (and DVD burner) if you want to create media. We recommend using a blank USB or blank DVD, because any content on it will be deleted. On Windows 10, you can use the