There are three ways of inserting a style sheet:

  • Internal CSS 
  • External CSS
  • Inline CSS

How to add Internal CSS?

An internal style sheet should be used if one single HTML page has a unique style. You will have to write internal style inside the <style> element, in the head section. Example:



background-color: yellow;
color: #691983;
margin-left: 40px;



This is a heading</h1>
This is a paragraph.</p>




How to add External CSS?

You can change the look of an entire website by changing just one file using an external .css file. Each HTML page must include a reference to the external .css file inside the <link> element, in the head section. Example:

rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="files/style.css">

This is a heading</h1>
This is a paragraph.</p>


An external style sheet can be written in even notepad or notepad++, and must be saved with a .css extension. Here is how the "style.css" file looks:

body {
background-color: yellow;

color: #691983;
margin-left: 40px;

How to add Inline CSS?

An inline style may be used to apply a unique style for a single element. To use inline styles, add the style attribute to the relevant element. The style attribute can contain any CSS property. Example: 


style="color:violet;text-align:center;">This is a heading</h1>
style="color:green;">This is a paragraph.</p>
